The anesthesia is recommended because a painless treatment means a more relaxed patient and an easier treatment for the dentist.
The treatments in which anesthesia is recommended:
- Avulsion, extraction of a tooth.
- Crowns and bridges.
- Root canal treatment.
- Fillings.
Anesthesia in the upper and lower jaws, is given differently and feels differently. In the upper jaw, the anesthesia is given locally near the tooth that needs to be treated and the feeling is therefore very localized. In the lower jaw the anesthesia is given to the main nerve which enters the jaw on each side. The feeling is that one side of the jaw is totally anesthetized, as well as lower lip and the side of the tongue. Duration time of the anesthesia is one and a half to two hours.
It is very important that the patient informs the dentist if he/she is under treatment of a specialist, is on any medication, suffers from any heart condition/ sickness, or is pregnant. Sometimes the anesthesia is adapted (consists of other materials, or with different dosages). With very anxious patients or patients with acute inflammation, there’s a chance that anesthesia will take longer till it works, or not work at all.
Treatment with Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
Nitrous oxide is mostly used in dental treatments, with anxious patients or children. By using nitrous oxide the patient gets relaxed and loses track of time and notion.
How does nitrous oxide work?
The treatment starts with placing a mask over the nose. During the whole treatment the patient must inhale through the nose mask at all times. If the patient breathes through the mouth the nitrous oxide will become less effective almost immediately.
First, pure oxygen will be administered. Then slowly the volume of nitrous oxide will be increased. It happens that initially the patient can experience a strange feeling, which will be replaced after couple of minutes with a pleasant sensation. The dentist will start the treatment once the optimal concentration of nitrous oxide has been reached. In some situations the dentist will need to apply local anesthesia as part of the treatment. After the treatment one gets about five minutes of pure oxygen administered. After approximately five to ten minutes the effect of the nitrous oxide will completely disappear. Nitrous Oxide has no side effects after treatment.